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World Homeless Day

On October 10, 2025, people around the world will celebrate World Homeless Day, while working to prevent and end homelessness and alleviate the suffering of those experiencing it.

World Homeless Day is observed internationally on the 10th of October, Every Year.


This international day serves as a platform to celebrate good works, benchmark progress, advocate for improved policies and funding that can help prevent and end homelessness.

World Homeless Day also aims to raise awareness about the needs of people who currently experience homelessness and promote work in local communities to alleviate suffering and prevent death. 


  1. Host a Housing & Homelessness Summit or Roundtable on or near the date
  2. Set Goals /Benchmark Progress = by World Homeless Day next year, we aim to… 
  3. Celebrate what you have achieved since October 10th last year
  4. Announce Policy Change 
  5. Repeal Laws that Criminalize aspects of Homelessness 
  6. Host your Housing / Homelessness Conference near or on the date
  7. Launch a Fundraising Campaign 
  8. Release Major Reports 
  9. Disperse New Funds 
  10. Host a Guest Speaker 
  11. Highlight Local Issues in the Media 
  12. Acknowledge Staff & Volunteers 
  13. Help Promote the day by linking to the website from yours & or Promoting it on Social Media
  14. Launch New Services 
  15. Celebrate & Support Local Charities 
  16. Host a Health Clinic / Wellness Day 
  17. Hold a Public Rally / Protest (within local laws)
  18. Appoint a new Patron / Ambassador 
  19. Invite Politicians to visit your support service to ‘Show and Tell’ them about your work / needs 
  20. Host a Memorial for those who have Died While Homeless 
  21. Install a ‘Pop-Up’ Public Work of Art about Homelessness 
  22. Host a Workshop or Training Day on Homelessness for Emergency Responders / Health Care Workers / other service providers 
  23. Have a Collection of Goods & or Funds at your School & or Workplace & or Place of Worship for a local Charity 
  24. Have a ‘Spring Clean’ of your Clothing / Household Items – Donate them to Charity 
  25. Host an Educational / Experiential event like a Sleep-Out, Screening of a Film with a Speaker 
  26. Write to your local Politicians about a Policy you want Changed 
  27. Issue a City / Province / State or National Proclamation in recognition of the day.
  28. Rent a Spare room in your home to a Student (freeing up accommodation for others) 
  29. Develop or Update your Company Policy on Staff Allowances regarding Domestic Violence / Housing Distress
  30. Or Your Unique Idea


The concept of ‘World Homeless Day’ emerged from online discussions between people working to respond to homelessness from various parts of the world.

The Inaugural day was marked on the 10th of October 2010, which makes 2025 celebrations, the 16th annual World Homeless Day.

Since its founding, it has been observed on every continent (except Antarctica), in over 100 countries.

Use of the idea of ‘World Homeless Day’ is open for all to use… anywhere in the world.

Using Proximity to World Homeless Day

You can use the day as a point of reference, and mention what you are doing is for example:

  • In the lead-up to World Homeless Day…
  • In the week/s before…
  • Only days before…
  • On…
  • On the occasion of…
  • In recognition of…
  • To celebrate…
  • Only days after…
  • Only weeks after…
  • In view of World Homeless Day…

The international day is referenced and pointed to all year round, with a groundswell of activity around a month and a half surrounding it.

What is the Theme for 2025?

Unlike many other international days or observances, World Homeless Day does not have a theme each year.

What is the Colour for World Homeless Day?

There is no official worldwide color used, however some individual charities run engagement programs that include the wearing of one colour or another to support that charity. 

Banner with 'World Homeless Day' painted on it.
World Homeless Day Official Logo

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